Our experienced and knowledgable law firm blog writers provide you with the top 100 ways to promote your new law firm blog post to generate leads and a loyal audience. Call Legal Content Writers at 1-800-877-2776 for professionally written, SEO friendly and unqiue blog or web content.
When the writing, editing and SEO are all finished, your law firm blog is ready to be published for the world to read. But even when you hit the publish button, your job is not finished. As experienced law firm blog writers, we know there is still more left to do.
Cyberspace can be a lonely world. If you send a blog out into cyber space without any further assistance, not many people will know it even exists. Here are 10 helpful steps to take once your law firm blog is published.
1.) Syndicate your RSS feed. The RSS feature allows you to share your content with multiple social media simultaneously. It actually feeds your content to a variety of different locations which you determine. When you publish a post, it will automatically send your content to those sites.
2.) Customize your status updates. It’s pretty much common sense to share your post on Twitter, Facebook and other forms of social media. But don’t just paste your URL and share it. Write a lead that introduces your article before sharing the link. And don’t use the same text in all of your social media. Switch up your introductions on each status update.
3.) Tease your content on other sites. There are many networking sites which allow for content promotion. Tease your content with an appealing headline or question in your post. Some social sites where you can do this is Facebook groups, LinkedIn group forums, LinkedIn answers, and Ning community forums.
4.) Add your post to your e-mail signature. This link can be changed easily and often. There are plenty of platforms with useful apps that will allow you to do this. This way, every e-mail you send will feature a link to your latest blog post.
5.) Post comments on other blogs. This is a way to develop relationships, establish a following and add backlinks. You could even include your latest blog URL within your comments. The broader your reach, the more new readers you are likely to attract.
6.) Enlist the help of other bloggers. Once you have developed relationships with other bloggers, contact them and ask them to share your latest post. You will probably have to do your own bit of sharing and return the favor when they post a new blog. However, it is an easy way to help each other.
7.) Include in your latest newsletter. It is a smart move for law firms to send out regular newsletters. As part of this newsletter, you can feature your latest blogs. Every time you post a new one, don’t forget to add it to your next newsletter.
8.) Link to old posts. If you are generating a steady flow of content, your old blog posts are probably still receiving some traffic. Go back into those older posts and add the link to your latest post. It is as simple as adding one sentence at the end of a post with a link to your newest post.
9.) Submit to various article directories. There are article directories which feature articles on all topics such as Ezine Articles, Article Dashboard and Go Articles. You can submit articles to each of those. This does not have to be done for every article, just the ones you could see garnering a high amount of traffic.
10.) Respond to your first comment. As soon as you receive the first comment on your post, respond immediately. As experienced law firm blog writers, we have found this makes the commenter feel rewarded for their effort. This shows your readers and the person who left the comment that you are ready to engage your readers. This may take some waiting, so be patient.
Call Legal Content Writers at 1-800-877-2776 for experienced and knowledgable law firm blog writers. We are in the business of delivering professionally written, SEO friendly and unqiue blog or web content for attorney websites.